Dr Joseph Michael Sherlock

BDS FDSRCS Eng. MSc M.Orth RCS Eng. FDS.Orth RCS PCAPYear Qualified
2008GMC Number
72368 (GDC)Main NHS Base
OMF & Orthodontics Dept. Bedford Hospital South WingMember Of
- British Orthodontic Society
Scope of Practice
- Teeth-straightening and Smile Design
- Lingual braces
- Invisible braces
- Cosmetic fixed braces
- Teeth-Whitening
- Management of Dento-Facial deformity ( problems with appearance, fit and health of teeth and jaws)
- Teeth development problems
- Moving teeth to accommodate dental implants
Areas of Expertise
- Cosmetic dental braces including lingual braces and Invisalign
- Management of dento-facial deformity
- Management of missing teeth & buried teeth
- Smile Design & Reconstruction e.g. Teeth positioning for dental implants.
Training & Background
• Dentistry training (Kings College, London - 1991-1996),
• Specialty Training in orthodontics & MSc. in Orthodontics (Kings College, London - 2002-2005),
• Consultant Training in complex orthodontics/Maxillofacial Orthodontics (Glasgow Dental Hospital - 2006-2008).
• Postgraduate Certificate in Academic practice ( Glasgow University (2006-2008))
Dr. Sherlock, as an expert in several types of cosmetic/ invisible braces, is also one of the most highly- trained professionals in the field of orthodontics worldwide.
Dr. Sherlock is trained to treat all types of orthodontic problems from the simplest eg. Unstraight teeth, to the most complex cases eg. Dento-facial deformity/ buried teeth/missing teeth.